Stray 27Aug05 - Victory dance: (oonst oonst oonst oonst...)
Guess who got a job.
Go on, guess.
Go on.
Go ahn go ahn go ahn go ahn go ah alright fine it was me.
It's with a wee media company in Melbourne called Qube Kostrukt (spelling errors theirs) doing 3D for a car commercial.
It's nuts, actually. Up to last week the only, and I do mean only, income I'd made in the last ten months (ten months!) was fifty bucks Jo and Dave slung me for safety teching a fire show. Now I'm being paid, (to do what I would normally do purely for the fun of it, mind you), as much in one day as this time last year I'd make in a good fortnight.
But mind you I really wasn't making shit all this time last year.
I bought a bike today for twentyfive bucks, to celebrate, and rode it all over town. Haven't found a reasonably priced helmet just yet, however.
So no Sydney just yet, which is good. But the job is only likely to last a month or so, after that (I'll've earned enough to last me a year and) I'll probably still be leaving Melbourne. But maybe this'll lead into something else, it's reasonable to assume it may, and I'm still aiming to stay here.
And look, I know it's in poor taste to be talking about money and I've been told off for it before, but you all know me (apart from about thirty of you who somehow made it onto this list without us ever meeting) so you know this is a big change for me and it needs to be mentioned.
The work is fun, the people are nice, I don't mind, amazingly, getting up at seven thirty, too much, and I'm looking forward to getting back into it come Monday. Largely so I can ride my bike.
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